Dealing with Clueless Supervisors
Taken straight out of
Ask Metafilter user Grumblebee offers advice on how to handle a “Pointy Haired Boss,” or a manager who has no idea what you do at work or how you do it. (The Pointy Haired Boss refers to the idiot manager in the Dilbert comics).
In summary:
- Explain constraints. Tell your supervisor in advance why you’ll be making decisions and what factors influence those decisions.
- Put it in writing. Create a documented trail of decisions.
- Blame software & hardware. Be willing to put yourself on the human, non-technological side of the argument.
- Take time to “research” an idea. Even if you know an idea is impossible, never say that to a boss. Go away for an hour and then come back with enough technobabble to dismiss the idea after having (ahem) “researched” it.
- Give Choices. There’s nothing a stupid supervisor likes more than control. If they’re not making choices, they don’t feel like they’re earning their paycheck. Let them make decisions on things that don’t really count so they feel they’re contributing to the project.
Read the rest of the thread over at Ask Metafilter.
October 5, 2005 @ 6:20 am
Why such a interest on Management? Now you know my stance on management. I’m sure it’s a difficult position especially if you have to deal with Technical personnel. I guess its a natural way of venting. The tips are very useful provided ones boss is willing to listen or doesn’t and places you where he thinks you will not do any damage to the company. But as for me I know I cause a great deal of hate and discontent where ever I land.
October 5, 2005 @ 7:53 am
Experiencing many of these types of management/technical interactions myself is the cause of this interest. Seeing all these articles and discussions on the Net just reaffirm that these problems exist everywhere so we aren’t alone.
The part about causing a great deal of hate and discontent where you land… that sounds like a personal problem if you ask me. 😉