Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?
Anyone want to place an order for Girl Scout cookies? Two new Girl Scouts (my nieces) are selling:
- Samoas – Vanilla cookies covered with caramel, coconut, and striped with chocolate
- Thin Mints – Thin wafer covered with chocolate
- Do-si-dos – Oatmeal cookie with peanut butter filling
- All Abouts – Shortbread cookie with fudge coating on the bottom
- Trefoils – Shortbread
- Tagalongs – Cookie topped with creamy peanut butter and covered with chocolate
- Lemon Coolers – Vanilla cookie with lemon flavoring covered with powdered sugar
- Cafe Cookies – Carmelized with brown sugar with a hint of cinnamon
Cost is $4 per box. Sorry, no volume discount. Cookies will be available the week of January 12, 2006. Comment or email me with orders if interested.
Me, I like the Thin Mints and Tagalongs. Yummy!
November 8, 2005 @ 11:51 am
N & T joined the scouts?
November 8, 2005 @ 1:54 pm
Yep, so how many boxes of yummy cookies do you want?
November 8, 2005 @ 3:00 pm
Do you need the “good uncle” credit, or shall I be the nice-but-grouchy-neighbor-down-the-street…. I usually stiffarm the other neighborhood girls, but I’ll make an exeption for en why and tee why.
Will they be circling the entrance to Wal-mart with the rest of the vultures?
November 8, 2005 @ 10:41 pm
I should have them go over to your house and practice their sales pitch. Got to build that character somehow.
Isn’t circling the entry points to stores part of the Girl Scout hazing/initiation ritual?
November 10, 2005 @ 10:55 am
Yeah, sometimes when we exit Wal-mart, it feels like the running back preparing to hit the hole in the line before getting hammered by the linebackers…