February is for the Fans
Dear Pulpconnection readers and fans, February is for you! To say thanks for the devoted readership, Pulpconnection is showing its appreciating by giving away gifts to its most avid readers and active commenters. No sorry, we’re not talking Ultimate Air Jordans or $10,000 in iTunes. My Google AdSense advertising hasn’t hit the jackpot with only one click, yielding $0, so the budget is limited.
Instead, I’m going with a Club 939 theme, gifting the song I’m N Luv (Wit a Stripper), the unofficial anthem of 939. To fanatics T, Tabasco Man, and Wayne’s World, check your email for your gift. And if things really work out, there may be a follow on gift.
Thanks again!
February 27, 2006 @ 10:54 am
Oh wow, Gee Why! Where’s my free song?! Just because I don’t have an iPod like all you privileged fans, I’m still a fan. And who cares if the song is I’m N Luv (Wit a Stripper)? Man, where’s the love? =S
February 27, 2006 @ 12:11 pm
Sorry, taking care of the “old timers” first, but I did notice you went through Pulpconnection archives.
Like I said, budget is tight ’round here. Besides, I’m thinking of something Elements Hawaii related for the next go around…
February 27, 2006 @ 7:01 pm
Okay, angry asian girl, I tell you what. Since you’ve been a recent avid reader and I’m digging Baby Dog Days, how about this? Post an average of one post per day for 5 days on BDD and you too can own I’m N Luv (With a Stripper)! Write about your SO, or babies, or dogs, or anything.
March 1, 2006 @ 11:07 am
Alright, but I don’t have to own that song as great a song as it may be. Was just makin’ some trouble. Wasn’t that the purpose of comments? Just kidding. š