Slacking Off Work is Good for You
No really! According to this column on CNN Money, taking a step back and slowing down at work may be better for you and your organization.
With innovation now our main competitive strength, creativity is crucial for anyone who wants to move up… You can turn a smart person into an idiot just by overworking him… On the organizational level, what you get is, everyone is so focused on running flat-out to meet current goals that the whole company is unable to step back and think… in the era of knowledge work, the most prosperous companies will turn out to be those that encourage people to build some slack into their days.
So why not take a step back to unleash your subconscious mind, see the big picture, and effect change for the better.
Be sure to take the accompanying Stress Quiz to see how stressed you are.
Technorati Tags: workplace
March 20, 2006 @ 11:14 am
I’m all for changing the law to allow afternoon naps….. You think that is cutting it too much?
March 20, 2006 @ 11:17 am
It’s called a siesta and is popular in other places in the world.
March 20, 2006 @ 11:28 am
Took that How Stressed Are You? quiz and the results for me is that I’m severely stressed. You may still be coping, but life at work can sometimes be miserable. You might benefit from counseling. Really?
Also took the Are You Overwhelmed? quiz and I’m moderately overextended. So their analysis then suggests taking another quiz in order to learn how to balance my life more effectively. Didn’t they just say I’m moderately overextended?
March 20, 2006 @ 2:25 pm
Maybe you gotta slack off then. How about using the Tabasco Man as a role model? 😉
My score on the Stress quiz is 24/40. Moderate stress. You’re not suffering much more pressure than most people cope with. Sounds about right.
I took some of the other quizzes – a good 5 minutes of humor exercise.
March 20, 2006 @ 3:35 pm
I got 23/40. Same as Gee Why, Moderate Stress. I only get stressed if I no mo’ time fo’ blog.;)
March 20, 2006 @ 7:27 pm
34/40. Potentially dangerous stress: Seek professional assistance or consider a job change.
Tabasco Man’s Wife