Kim Coco Iwamoto, At-Large for Board of Education
Kim Coco Iwamoto is an at-large candidate running for a position on Oahu’s Board of Education on September 23. Who is she and what does she stand for?
Kim Coco is a Civil Rights activist. Translation: she fights for the little people.
Kim Coco is an advocate. Translation: she wants to maximize the educational opportunities for every student and has many ideas on improving Hawaii’s public school system.
Kim Coco went to Saint Louis High School. Translation: as a private school alum, she is cocky.
Kim Coco went to Saint Louis High School? Translation: she is a transgender.
Kim Coco is endorsed by the Honolulu Advertiser. Translation: if you’re good and worthy, you’re good and worthy. Simple as that.
Make your own decisions and be sure to vote in the upcoming 2006 Primary Election on Saturday, September 23.
September 18, 2006 @ 12:42 am
It takes a lot of courage to be a transgender person and she has nothing to hide-that’s why she listed St. Louis on her website. She’ll definitely get my vote!
October 1, 2006 @ 8:06 pm
I agree! Education needs to be made a priority and changes need to be made now, not in another fourteen years.
With her experience as an advocate, she is quite successful. She also seems to have many strong relationships with state legislators.
She could actually be of more value to our Public Schools than people think. Her qualifications and skills, plus her experience, make her the candidate.
She has my vote and the votes of my family!
October 2, 2006 @ 12:30 pm
Someone made a joke that as a transgender, Kim Coco’s run for a spot on the Board of Education is “ballsy.”
November 4, 2006 @ 5:25 pm
I think Kims shemale friend is Robyn whos name is Riasah from Riasah is a moderator there.
“By Riasah member has saluted, click to view salute photos Comments: 6047, member since Sat Mar 29, 2003
On Sat Feb 05, 2005 03:20 PM
“Pallas, I’m not gay …although I did have an experince in college, that doesn’t count”
Robyns pic “she” lives in Houston
November 6, 2006 @ 10:26 am
Shon, be sure to vote on Tuesday in accordance with your beliefs, feelings, and informed judgement.
No vote, no grumble!