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  1. tabasco man
    November 1, 2006 @ 10:11 am

    Yeah, traffic has been like that for the past couple Halloweens. I saw the traffic as we were going to my son’s preschool for the Halloween celebration. The MM exit was backed up big time.

    Your pumpkin looks good. I too used the proper tools for the first time this year. It makes it so much easier. It sure beats using kitchen knives.

  2. Gee Why
    November 1, 2006 @ 4:51 pm

    I think the MMauka population is going to start checking IDs to ban non-MMauka residents from trick or treating in the area. I missed the line for the MM exit and went to the town exit which was backed up as well.

    Yeah, the right tools sure makes a difference. The kitchen knives make a lot of blocky cuts. But that little saw takes forever to cut with.

  3. Angry Asian Girl
    November 2, 2006 @ 6:55 am

    2+ hours?! That’s crazy! What’s so good about MM anyway? What kinds of treats do they give? Or do they give just tricks? Hehe, just kidding.