Thoughts on Updating Pulpconnection
Before I change the Pulpconnection template to the new Blogger Beta, I was wondering what kind of changes I should include. Here are some ideas:
Would really like to revamp the visual look of the site. I like this TicTac template developed by Dan Cederholm of, but as a standard Google template, other blogs have this same look, and you don’t really feel too original. But then again, I don’t got the skills to seriously develop a whole new look. Maybe I’ll have to consult with bklyngrl to see if she has any suggestions.
Digg option. Will add a “Digg this” link for posts. I don’t have diggable posts but you never know…
Better use of tags and labels. Want to better integrate/combine Technorati tags and Blogger labels. At least format their appearance better.
Links of projects? Maybe a small section of links of projects and other stuff I’m working on. Stuff like, Flickr pics, my iWeb site, and a possibly-redone 939 site.
Recent comments. Going to add a sidebar section to show recent comments. Sometimes there’s active discussion on older posts, but because the post is buried, people don’t know about it.
Advertisements. Of course, in my attempt to make money off of this venture, I’ll keep the advertisements from Google AdSense and BlogKits. Total made lifetime – $11.33 (all from Google ads).
Technorati Tags: pulpconnection
December 27, 2006 @ 7:05 am
oooh, i like the 939 site! let’s do lunch. have your people call my people.
December 27, 2006 @ 10:48 pm
I think your people are the same as my people?