Disappointing Lost Blog from the Honolulu Advertiser
Last week, the Honolulu Advertiser announced they were adding a new blog to their blogging stable dedicated to the television hit Lost and focusing on its ties to Hawaii. Sounded pretty cool, so I decided to check out the “Lost” in Hawaii blog and its ONE entry! One entry! Uno, ichi, yat, hana! What’s with that?
I know the blogger, Caryn Kunz, says she’ll blog every week before and after each new episode, but if you’re going to launch a blog, how about having some content built up first to draw in the reader. Lost restarts this Wednesday, but how about talking about some of the previous episodes and its Hawaii influences? Like how Lost recently filmed at Club 939, and what that could imply for show plots? Or any other on-location filming Lost has done in Hawaii?
To separate from other blogs dedicated to Lost, “Lost” in Hawaii really needs to push the Hawaii scene and “insider” perspective. Find stories and pictures from local folks’ interaction with the show and the actors. Maximize the natural advantage we have with Lost filming in our own state.
A little disappointing start, but hopefully the “Lost” in Hawaii blog builds its content and a community for all of us other Losties in Hawaii.
Technorati Tags: blogging, Lost, honolulu advertiser