Stories from the Lost Viewing Party at Club 939
I got some feedback about the Lost viewing party at Club 939, and it goes something like this…
The music was bangin’ with Deejay Betty mixing it up, and the club was buzzing as usual. Cream danced for our reporting crew at the table of the Greatest Legal Mind Ever. As she performed, our crew yelled “get on top!” at every creamy gyration. With concerns of the paparazzi taking scandalous pictures, the stars of Lost went incognito. In the house could have been Matthew Fux, Daniel Does Kim, and Dominic Moneyshot.
As the drinks flowed through the night and the pole climbing continued, our crew thought they spotted Evangeline Likee Lickee, Ho’s Love Garcia, and Josh Let’s Go All the Way. Of course, Mr. 939 was holding it down and signing autographs and re-enacting his role as Japanese Tourist #4.
A fun night for all!
Okay, okay, I took some blogger’s freedom while revising this post.
In case you missed the Lost episode, here’s the video and some stills.
Technorati Tags: Club 939, Lost