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  1. tabasco man
    June 4, 2007 @ 6:23 am


  2. Gee Why
    June 4, 2007 @ 9:47 am

    Makes you wanna get one huh? Watching all the non-phone stuff makes you forget that the iPhone is a cell phone first and foremost.

    The multi-touch screen and how you interface with the device is way cool.

  3. tabasco man
    June 4, 2007 @ 5:12 pm

    Yup, since I already have a cell phone, I like the video portion. How much will it be?

  4. Gee Why
    June 4, 2007 @ 10:24 pm

    Expensive. Heard around $600 for the device but no details on service plan. Not for the faint of wallet.

    Still, you gotta marvel at its interface.