Oscar De La Hoya Drag Pics, Fake or Real?
Note: the link to the source images has been removed due to reported potential suspicious behavior.
Have you seen those supposedly fake pictures of boxer Oscar De La Hoya dressed in drag? Here’s a sample.

Oscar denies the pics are real, but an exotic dancer said she took the pics while Oscar was “visiting” her. Whatever. Any Photoshop specialists want to comment?
September 29, 2007 @ 9:53 pm
I’d say it’s gotta be a photoshop job. He’s got pretty skinny legs, but not that skinny. The legs in the picture definitely looks like a woman’s, and check out the shoulder area. It’s too small to be Oscar’s. This is what he gets for being a pretty boy, I guess! Poor Oscar!
September 30, 2007 @ 7:53 am
I’d say it’s gotta be a photoshop job. He’s got pretty skinny legs, but not that skinny. The legs in the picture definitely looks like a woman’s, and check out the shoulder area. It’s too small to be Oscar’s. This is what he gets for being a pretty boy, I guess! Poor Oscar!
October 5, 2007 @ 3:39 pm
Years ago I seen him singing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Yes, singing.
Well, at least trying.
Based on that little performance with his tight ass clothes, I’d say this picture is real.
And it’s still hard to believe he has a daughter with Shanna Moakler.
October 6, 2007 @ 1:39 am
Eww.Years ago I seen him singing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Yes, singing. Well, at least trying. Based on that little performance with his tight ass clothes, I’d say this picture is real.And it’s still hard to believe he has a daughter with Shanna Moakler.
October 12, 2008 @ 3:54 pm
fake. those r girl legs n feet. they fit too nicely in the heels
October 13, 2008 @ 1:54 am
fake. those r girl legs n feet. they fit too nicely in the heels
December 6, 2008 @ 2:34 pm
I work with Photoshop almost everyday since ca 2001, and also take photos quite frequently – I say the photo is real. The lighting (flash/brightness/contrast) goes smoothly on all surfaces, the skintone on body and neck and face is identical.
Regarding the legs: You are just not accustomed to seeing mens legs in girls shoes/stockings. They actually look good and toned! girls legs can be chunkier than mans!
December 7, 2008 @ 12:34 am
I work with Photoshop almost everyday since ca 2001, and also take photos quite frequently – I say the photo is real. The lighting (flash/brightness/contrast) goes smoothly on all surfaces, the skintone on body and neck and face is identical. Regarding the legs: You are just not accustomed to seeing mens legs in girls shoes/stockings. They actually look good and toned! girls legs can be chunkier than mans!