Starbucks and Apple Giving Away Millions of Free Songs
The melding of the superpowers has begun. Apple and Starbucks started their promotion of giving away millions of free iTunes songs to Starbucks customers (like me!). Here’s what I got so far, Bob Dylan’s Jokerman, KT Tunstall’s One Day, and a re-chargable card with two free songs.
A sleepy Windward-side Starbucks wasn’t quite prepared for this promotion. Nope, crowds weren’t there for the music. Just the opposite. The workers didn’t know a whole lot about the promo. I asked about the free music and got answers of “huh?” They did have big signs up so I pointed to them and said that thing.
Anyway, the promo goes on until November 7 so that’s one free song per day until then. The only problem is that you don’t know which song or artist will be available on which day. You can find out the song of the day, but there’s no release schedule that I can find. Just gotta keep going back to a Starbucks near you.
Technorati Tags: Apple, coffee, iTunes, music, Starbucks
October 4, 2007 @ 9:36 am
Yeah, I got the Bob Dylan one and today I got Joni Mitchell. Not really into either.
October 4, 2007 @ 9:36 am
Yeah, I got the Bob Dylan one and today I got Joni Mitchell. Not really into either.
October 4, 2007 @ 3:39 pm
that’s cuz u got no soul, baby! dylan and mitchell are geniuses! that’s what people keep saying anyways.
can’t say that i know any of either’s songs.
when do they start giving out songs like Rapper’s Delight, The Real Roxanne, and Rippin?
October 4, 2007 @ 5:26 pm
I got a Joni Mitchel today while on my way to work for my assessment. Was early so I stopped by the new SBUX by WalMart Pearl City. They had stacks of free song cards sitting by the register.
Some interesting artists are coming up in the free giveaway but sorry Myong, none of the ones you’re looking for.