November 20 2007 Getting LinkedIn Gee Why Uncategorized Just joined LinkedIn and sent out some invitations to add contacts. After I was out-teched by a high school classmate, I had to get linked in. 😉 Ooops, what’s the difference between “Invitation to connect” and “Join my network?” I mighta messed up. The things I do not to be outdone by this.
November 20, 2007 @ 12:40 pm
OMG, you need to delete that pic from your archive! Check your e mail, I out tech-ed you again! You gotta live in the Bay Area, baby! 🙂
November 20, 2007 @ 1:01 pm
Partying with the YouTube founders don’t count if you didn’t know they were the founders of YouTube.
Baaaahhhh (supposed to be a buzzer sound). Disqualified! Picture stays until you can get me a better one, say of you with Steve Chen and Chad Hurley.