Top Chef Chicago is Unmemorable
While I am a fan of BravoTV’s Top Chef reality cooking show, this season has been somewhat unmemorable for me. Season 4 is supposed to present the most talented competitors to date, and maybe that’s a related issue? After four episodes (I missed the Zoo Food episode), I can’t really remember the contestants. But I can describe them.
There’s the guy with funky hair, the guy that swears a lot, the other cocky guy who always wears a hat. There’s the lesbian couple, and oh yeah, Dale who I remember since he wears mad kicks. The bald guy was sent packing in Episode 3 Block Party. The Hispanic guy just got the boot. There’s the pasta girl and the hobbit guy, and of course Los Banos’ finest. There’s -S’s favorite and Middle America who keeps winning all the challenges.
Maybe after only four episodes, their personalities haven’t been showcased enough? Maybe since they’re all supposed to be talented, standing out is tougher? Whatever the reason, I can’t really relate or back any of the competitors. They’re just so unmemorable.
Where’s the Harold or Lee Anne? Or CJ or Dale? Where’s Hung or crying Dave? Where’s snooty Stephen?
Technorati Tags: television, Top Chef
April 4, 2008 @ 5:18 am
i’ve been also wondering what’s wrong with this season. every other season, i used to look forward to the week’s new episode. now, i just wait for the repeated repeats. maybe these contestants have seen how bad some of the past seasons contestants have come across, they aren’t letting their true personalities shine through.
April 4, 2008 @ 7:09 am
Could be, but in doing so, we can distinguish or root for likable contestants (or even unlikable ones).
The next epi looks better with Dale going off on others.