Top Chef Top Three or Two?
The Top Chef top four were whittled down to three in the start of the finals in Puerto Rico. The finals picks up months later with the four top chefs reuniting for the showdown. All I can say is that they were livin’ large during the time off. Most of them picked up a pound or two “honing their culinary skills.”
Anyways, as usual, Stephanie and Richard were the favorites leaving Antonia and Lisa on the cutting block at Judges’ Table. Who was eliminated? None other than -S’s favorite, Antonia, for undercooked beans. Watch as Padma delivers the news.
But more disgustingly, watch as Lisa bags on Stephanie and Richard for not congratulating her on making the finals. Our household has made the stand to drop Top Chef from our television lineup if Lisa wins.
Technorati Tags: television, Top Chef
June 6, 2008 @ 1:33 pm
I friggin’ hate Lisa. She is one miserable human being. Never happy and always blaming something else for her troubles. I can’t believe she’s lasted this long.
June 6, 2008 @ 4:24 pm
Yeah, Lisa is a B!tch and it’ll cost her, no matter how well she does in the finale they won’t let her win. I think Rich is going to take it.