Secure Mail on iPhone
Some notes about doing secure email on an iPhone using Mail app, not webmail in Safari.
- List of root certificates pre-installed with iPhone 2.0 software. Right ones are already there…
- Secure IMAP uses SSL over port 993.
- When configuring secure IMAP, my iPhone could not verify my settings. I was given the option to save or cancel. According to this discussion, save anyways.
- Go back to iPhone Mail app and check mail. Things should be working. 😉
- Still to do – fix sending email. Above steps allows receiving and reading email.
Read up on iPhone Enterprise Deployment Guide if want advanced features like installing a .p12 certificate on your phone. Easiest way is to build a configuration profile that includes your certificate then email that configuration to your iPhone. When opening this emailed configuration attachment, the iPhone runs through an install procedure. Be sure you know the password to your certificate! I really don’t know if this step is necessary to get secure IMAP email (I don’t think so).
Technorati Tags: iPhone
July 24, 2008 @ 2:46 am
Could you use the client certificate to sign oder encrypt in the iPhone mail app?