So Close to Winning Twilight Movie Tickets, Part 2
On Saturday night, we headed to Pearlridge to check what was left after a Toys R Us sale and Gap’s Friends and Family. We also caught a Twilight “party” at Borders that was giving a lucky winner tickets to the Twilight movie premiere on November 21. To enter to win, all you had to do was submit a Twilight word search game and hope for the best. There were other activities planned for this party, but we didn’t stick around, returning only at the time of the drawing.
The event was pretty empty and the Borders staff didn’t even didn’t know what was going on with this Twilight promotion, but a fair amount of people did gather, mostly teens. For the prize drawing, there were three prizes – two Twilight posters and of course, the movie tickets.
And whaddya know, I won a poster, the name called right before the tickets were given away! So close! Not sure what to do with the poster. But anyways some pictures including my Twilight prize.
Technorati Tags: twilight
November 20, 2008 @ 9:55 pm
Know how I know you’re gay? You are geeked about twilight
November 21, 2008 @ 12:35 am
And guess what Santa’s bringing to the Eightmee household this year?