Oahu Blackout Conspiracy Theories
What caused the Oahu-wide electrical blackout on December 26, 2008? HECO isn’t sure if the outage was caused by lightning damage, but here are some simple (minded) conspiracy theories:
President Elect Barack Obama’s Secret Service detail needed a test. What better way to test the President-to-be’s security than protecting him and his family during a complete blackout away from the confines of a well-known, protected location?
HECO wanted to make a point. Hawaii residents have been complaining about the reliability of our electrical grid every time something happens to our power. Now that homegrown Barack is back in town for the Holidays, why not get HECO’s ailing electrical grid some Presidential attention and maybe, aid.
The Iolani/Punahou rivalry runs deep. During the blackout, Iolani alum and now Hawaii Mayor, Mufi Hannemann continually called Barack Obama who graduated from Punahou to offer assistance to his family. The subtext behind these calls? “Hey Buff and Blue, you’re going to be our next President, but you’re in my house now, the home of the Raiders. Just watch what I can do with my friends (and fellow alumi) over at HECO!” There is no confirmation that Mufi pulled some strings to punk’d Barack with this outage.
Anyone else got their own conspiracy theories to share?
My Chronology of Hawaii’s Power Outage
December 29, 2008 @ 12:37 am
[…] 7:25pm. Start thinking about Barack Obama’s security and how all of this might be a far fetched test. […]
geewhy (Gee Why)
December 29, 2008 @ 12:50 am
New blog post: Oahu Blackout Conspiracy Theories http://tinyurl.com/9holn2
December 29, 2008 @ 7:00 pm
Great post. I will read your posts frequently. Added you to the RSS reader.