Will Ginx Groups Obfuscate Fandom?
I’m digging the concept of Ginx groups to help filter tweets. Basically, you establish a Twitter account and follow other Twitter users to form a “group.” Now in Ginx, you follow that newly created user/group, and you’ll see Tweets from all the followed members of that group. Pretty ingenious!
So instead of you following Twitterers, you can follow the group that contains Twitter users you’re interested in. So what’s the big deal? Well, if you’re a Ginx user, you can use this Twitter group as a filter and hide the tweets from followed members of this group. Why? Well, I like AllTop and Guy Kawasaki, and did you know that he LOVES hockey! I mean really loves hockey. I mean really, really loves hockey. I mean he loves hockey in an incredibad “MF-er, I’m going to cut my b@11s off, and die for hockey!” kind of way. You get the point? I know he loves hockey so sometimes I don’t want to see umpteen tweets that he loves hockey (or whatever new AllTop topic just launched) so instead of wading through these, I can simply hide them using Ginx groups.
So now I’m thinking, if Ginx groups catches on, will your count of followers need adjusting? Instead of having individuals follow you, you might have a ton of groups following you, possibly reducing your overall followers. Yet, each group might have a bunch of followers. So how do you balance this out and not obfuscate your fandom?