Cacophony on the Airwaves
Ugh, what a mess on the airwaves this morning. Last week, I heard about the shakeup on Hot 93.9 and Island 98.5 amongst others. For this Monday morning drive, I listened to both stations to understand the wisdom behind these decisions. My first thought:
What a mess at both stations! Out of reverence, I started with Rory and Gregg of the displaced Wake Up Crew on 98.5. I validated my personal selection of music and Island reggae ain’t it. No offense, but just not my style, and I don’t know if it’s the Wake Up Crew style as well. First off, where was Rory? I didn’t hear the Wake Up Crew leader during my entire drive. As you know, Rory is the stage setter who masterfully synergizes the show and its personalities.
Listening to the 98.5-version of the Wake Up Crew was a downer. No energy exuded from the show. Maybe it’s the mellow music and laid back lifestyle the station is geared towards. The background music was dull, and I know it’s still early, but the interaction of Gregg and Crystal Akana just isn’t there (yet?). I also felt that Gregg was “dumbing it down.” I don’t know if this was on purpose, but Hammer’s an akamai guy who seemed to be catering his delivery this morning.
Over on 93.9, I didn’t hear from Maleko or Natasha for some time. I know people complain about not enough music on the airwaves, but I think this was too much. For too long of a stretch, I only heard songs and mainly commercials or station promos. To make things worse, the handling of all of this was a mess. Very abrupt and harsh transitions without any sense of flow. Song plays then cuts off at the end, a commercial, followed by a 93.9 promo, then a commercial then another song – the transition between them very disjointed.
Around 8:00, there was a teaser with Hammer making a vocal appearance on 93.9. Was he returning home? Nope, just doing a promotion for his Mother’s Day show at Dave and Busters. He sounded so natural on 93.9, amicably bickering with Natasha…
What I really miss from the Wake Up Crew in the morning is their perspective, experience, and antics. I want to hear their views of topics and events, not just the straight up news. I’m not a boxing fan but really want to hear their rendition of the Pacquiao fight. It’s their spin of the news intertwined with their own experiences that make the Wake Up Crew great.
Rory and Gregg might be able to find their magic on 98.5, but I regret I’ll be missing it.