My Off-Roading Mailman
I couldn’t believe it and had to watch for a bit as our new postal carrier went off roading to deliver mail in the neighborhood. Instead of stopping his mail truck and getting out to make his deliveries, he would drive on curbs, squeeze by brushes, and do anything so he didn’t have to get out. What a trip!
September 10, 2009 @ 6:27 pm
Dude, you should report him to the post office. I wouldn’t want my mail man riding my curb and on my lawn. That’s messed up.
September 10, 2009 @ 7:25 pm
dude, but it’s so shocking, it’s hilarious! I’m amazed at his driving skills and how he maneuver just so. Sometimes, I just stare as he squeezes in tight spaces, skimming by brushes, avoiding garbage cans. I got to video him one day…
September 10, 2009 @ 8:27 am
Dude, you should report him to the post office. I wouldn’t want my mail man riding my curb and on my lawn. That’s messed up.
September 10, 2009 @ 9:25 am
dude, but it’s so shocking, it’s hilarious! I’m amazed at his driving skills and how he maneuver just so. Sometimes, I just stare as he squeezes in tight spaces, skimming by brushes, avoiding garbage cans. I got to video him one day…
The Adventures of the Off-Roading Mailman - Pulpconnection
December 10, 2009 @ 11:27 am
[…] want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet BoxLast we saw my off-roading mailman, he was making his postal deliveries, pushing his driving abilities to their maximum to minimize […]
March 19, 2010 @ 9:03 am
For all you uninformed people, he is doing nothing wrong. He is actually instructed by managment not to get out of his truck. That street just from seeing the picture, should be curbline delivery anyway.
March 21, 2010 @ 9:19 am
Thanks for the feedback, but it does look odd to see the mail truck going up and down curbs and also hearing the truck come down off of the curbs. I guess it's something to get used to since previous mail carriers would walk this portion of the delivery route. Didn't know it was a management instruction/directive.
September 11, 2010 @ 4:18 am
bman is an idiot. im a carrier with the post office and this is def not allowed. if the previous mailman walked it than it should be walked. at the very least, dismounted ( drive up, shut off truck, walk up to box, drive to next house). no supervisor is going to tell the carrier to drive up on the curb, or on peoples lawn and risk damaging personal property, the truck and/or most importantly people/ the carrier. if the street was meant to be curbside it would be set up that way. prob just a lazy older carrier, who dosnt want to walk up a hill (looks like its a hill from the pic). if he keeps doing it, report him. if its just an isolated event, maybe just ask him to not do it again. keep in mind this is this guys job and its how he pays the bills and feeds his family. no reason to risk affecting his job if a comment was all it takes.
September 12, 2010 @ 1:00 am
JD, thanks for the insider view on this. The area is not a hill but is flat. Good suggestion about mentioning to the mail carrier but his driving style was a common occurrence. And there was that busted flower pot incident.
March 18, 2010 @ 11:03 pm
For all you uninformed people, he is doing nothing wrong. He is actually instructed by managment not to get out of his truck. That street just from seeing the picture, should be curbline delivery anyway.
March 21, 2010 @ 9:19 am
Thanks for the feedback, but it does look odd to see the mail truck going up and down curbs and also hearing the truck come down off of the curbs. I guess it's something to get used to since previous mail carriers would walk this portion of the delivery route. Didn't know it was a management instruction/directive.