The Aloha Arleen Saga
Overnight, there was quite a bit of Twitter discussion about the history of @alohaarleen. Arleen’s a prolific tweeter (too walaau mouth for me) with 80,000 followers who crossed a few too many people here on the island. Then the past started coming out. High drama in Twitterlulu!
September 10, 2009 @ 10:10 pm
Well it appears I have 80,000 Haters of my blog now.
So be it. LOL
September 10, 2009 @ 10:30 pm
No hating here, just following the drama. And if you had 80,000 haters of your blog, I’d love to see your ad costs! Hope you got Google Adsense cranking! 😉
September 10, 2009 @ 12:10 pm
Well it appears I have 80,000 Haters of my blog now.
So be it. LOL
September 10, 2009 @ 12:30 pm
No hating here, just following the drama. And if you had 80,000 haters of your blog, I’d love to see your ad costs! Hope you got Google Adsense cranking! 😉