Killer Combo: iPhone 3G and GoPhone
That was easy. Take an activated AT&T GoPhone, an inactivated iPhone 3G, swap SIM cards, and now I got a working iPhone without a long term service contract.
If you want more details, especially on enabling a GoPhone data plan, be sure to read this post, How to: Give Your Old iPhone New Life With Prepaid Data and Minutes. But if all you want is basic voice calls then swapping SIMs is all you need to do. The hardest part might be ejecting the iPhone 3G SIM card. The iPhone 3G came with a special tool for SIM removal but a pushpin or paperclip works too.
There’s no need to jailbreak your iPhone either. Because I didn’t need data or want to pay for a GoPhone data plan, the iPhone can’t connect to the 3G network, but WiFi is still an option. And of course, all other iPhone functions work as normal like syncing with your Mac.
Tweets that mention Killer Combo: iPhone 3G and GoPhone - Pulpconnection --
July 29, 2010 @ 6:21 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gee Why, Pulpconnection. Pulpconnection said: Fresh and Pulpy: Killer Combo: iPhone 3G and GoPhone […]
February 22, 2011 @ 6:50 am
02-22-11 I am somewhat new to this but I had to get a phone for customer use when i first brought my website back up. I had a friend who had an older iphone 3gs and GAVE it to me. I now use it as a Go Phone because I WILL NOT give AT&T any more money than I have to. (Seems they only want to be agreeable -even if it’s only KINDA agreeable- or lower their prices when competition is involved) Anyway, I use it now as a Go Phone and pay .10 cents a minuet and use WiFi whenever I can. I just wish I knew an easier / better way of not getting the error message about not being able to connect to data network.