LeBron Active Wear at TJ Maxx
TJ Maxx is known for carrying designer and name brand clothing, so I wasn’t too surprised when I found Nike LeBron James active wear in store. Along with lots of thongs, the new Pearl City TJ Maxx sells Nike and Adidas active wear, and not just the basic designs, but the more premium variety.
Normally $40, I got these LeBron pants for $17! Â Nothing like kicking it at home in LeBron capri pants. They are capris, right?
May 21, 2012 @ 10:25 am
Not going to lie, when I first saw the image I thought it was Game of Thrones gear from House Lannister. Sigil is a golden lion on a crimson field.
May 21, 2012 @ 11:35 am
LeBron is of House Lannister? 😉 Wonder if he always pays his debts…