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  1. David Mueller
    August 21, 2012 @ 8:10 am

    I first read the license plate as a play on “wasabi”.

  2. Mattias
    August 22, 2012 @ 7:33 am

    Hey that’s my car!!! 🙂 Thanks for noticing it. Correct, it’s a play with SAAB and wassup. As one of the comments mentioned, several people have also thought it was wasabi. Actually, if Hawaii allowed 7 characters I might have gone with WASAABI. 🙂 One person thought it was WA SAAB as in Washington SAAB. Anyway, thanks to Google Alerts I quickly got wind of your post. It appears that we live in the same area. 🙂 kiddori is one of my side projects available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and Windows Phone. Please install. 😉 Aloha!

    • Gee Why
      August 22, 2012 @ 9:16 am

      Thanks for the clarification. Yep, I traverse the Windward side. 😉 What other projects are you working on?

      • Mattias
        August 24, 2012 @ 7:58 am

        Nothing else at the moment. Lots of ideas but not enough time. 🙁