iPhone 5 Screen Flicker Problem
After iOS 6 crashed twice on my iPhone 5, I powered it off to settle things down. Then when powered back on, I got this weird screen flicker with an image of an iPhone reset superimposed. Oddly, the iPhone is working albeit with that extreme flicker.
Going to see if a software restore fixes this problem. Hope it’s not hardware related. Probably bachi for this.
More info. When I initially setup the iPhone 5, the restore from iCloud was a partial restore with only some of my apps installed. The phone said it was still restoring from iCloud hours after too. I’m not sure if I was hitting a limit for the number of app screens that was causing glitches.
September 22, 2012 @ 10:54 pm
How was the restore you did from your MAC?
September 23, 2012 @ 8:14 am
Looking better. I restored the software and more or less reinstalled my apps. Gotta give it a twirl to see how it holds up.
September 24, 2012 @ 3:36 am
Same thing happened to me. What worked for me was restoring from a backup on Tuesday the 18th. Which was before I updated my old phone to iOS6. Something seemed to get corrupted when I updated my old phone. Works perfect now. On the restore from the 18th all apps were restored perfectly and no flickering.
September 24, 2012 @ 9:49 am
Yeah, a restore seemed to do the trick to fix this problem. I think I had a corrupt restore as well.
iOS 6 Mail Oddity - Pulpconnection
September 24, 2012 @ 8:57 am
[…] Life, Passion So I’ve been having a weird issue or two with my new iPhone 5. Here’s an oddity with the Mail app in iOS 6. Check out the […]
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