Got My Manoa Chocolate
Back in October, I supported the Hawaii small business Manoa Chocolate on Kickstarter, and today was time to collect!
I stopped by the store to pick up my bean-to-bar chocolate. Unfortunately, they weren’t fully stocked with their entire product line due to the demand of the Holidays. But fortunately, they did have three of their best available (and I did get to sample others). My three picks are the Lavender, the 72% dark chocolate Peru, and the coffee-infused Breakfast Bar. I did like the new Pineapple Chili chocolate (which was being made), but you have to endure that building smolder from the ghost chilis.
I saw the new grinder in action which was the direct result of Kickstarter pledges. This guy can churn out 60 pounds of chocolate compared to their original 8-pound grinders. With this extra capacity, you’ll soon see Manoa Chocolate bars at Whole Foods Markets.