Socks from Paradise Soccer Club

I saw the letters “PSC” on a retail storefront in Kailua and wondered what that store is. PSC stands for Paradise Soccer Club, and if you’re a soccer fiend, this place is for you. PSC just doesn’t feature soccer gear and equipment but promotes a lifestyle influenced by soccer with a modern trend. It’s a cool spot.
I know kicks but not soccer kicks, and these Nike Mercurials look serious.

The Mercurials not your thing? I’m sure you can find something from their wall of shoes (custom made display too).

Need a break to think about your PSC purchase? Play some foosball or check out their soccer-themed LEGO sets behind the counter.

If nothing else, pickup a pair of quality Stance socks, especially the Aloha Hawaii line. Where else are you going to find a camo pattern comprised of shakas?