Win Starbucks for Life Impossible Audio CAPTCHA
Wait, what was that again?
So if you’ve been entering the Win Starbucks for Life contest, you’ve experienced the CAPTCHAs getting harder and harder. In the first few days, the image-based CAPTCHAs used to verify your contest entry were of one group of numbers like an address on a house.
Today, the CAPTCHAs evolved to two words, not just one grouping of numbers, and one of the words is usually gibberish. Not only is one word gibberish, the look is so distorted that it’s really hard to discern the letters. So I switched to the audio mode of the CAPTCHA. The system reads aloud a set of numbers, and you have to type in those numbers. Sounds easier right? Here’s the audio CAPTCHA I was given.
Can you solve this audio CAPTCHA?! Say what???