Busted Liftmaster
Not part of the home renovation project, but our garage door motor didn’t survive the Rapture “end of the world” weekend. The older Liftmaster 2500 motor has “unique” parts that make repairs atypical. 🙁
Fortunately though, H & H Overhead Door of Oahu was able to fix it. Yay! But they really need to work on communicating better with their staff and customers. There were too many unacknowledged (but received) phone messages and an unacknowledged (but not received) phone message that resulted in a scheduling mixup.
Service guy: “Hello, I’m here to fix your garage door.”
Me: “Um, I’m at work. I left two messages saying I couldn’t be there today.”
The company did accommodate for this faux pax, but still not the best experience for customers. On Yelp, I had to soil their company’s 5-star ratings.