Holiday Gift Guide: Keurig Single-Cup Brewing System
I assumed too much. I thought you already had a Keurig single-cup home-brewing coffee system in your kitchen. How are you going to enjoy the Starbucks K-Cups if you can’t cupify the contents of the K-Cup?
So Step 1 in enjoying a Starbucks K-Cup – get yourself or your coffee-drinking pal a single-cup brewing system.
November 9, 2011 @ 1:01 pm
The Keurig belongs in everyone’s kitchen and office break room! This is such a great deal, I’m sure it soon WILL be in everyone’s kitchen and office break room! We have a Keurig K-Cup Vending Machine in our break area, and it has transformed everyone’s mood and made us all more productive at our desks!
Holiday Gift Guide: Starbucks Verismo
December 13, 2012 @ 8:28 pm
[…] Individual coffee cup brewers aka K-cups are here to stay with its enormous growth and popularity. So of course, Starbucks had to get into this lucrative market but also one up the competition with its Verismo system. Besides brewed coffee, the Verismo line can craft espresso and latte drinks, upscaling your K-cup experience. Combine the right pods and pull your own Starbucks espresso. That’s pretty awesome. […]