Starbucks Spring Dash and a Year of SBUX
I guess it makes sense to make this dash easy. The chance to win a year’s of Starbucks will probably draw in many contestants.
I guess it makes sense to make this dash easy. The chance to win a year’s of Starbucks will probably draw in many contestants.
This is purely speculation based on appearances only, but the new Peet’s location in Kailua seems to have petered out. Previously, there had been a banner announcing the coming of Peet’s. That banner is now gone (although hopefully temporarily). The store is still not in business, but there is a piece of paper posted on the door (couldn’t see the sign from the street).
One day, I have to peek in the window to see what’s up. Online, Peet’s job listings don’t show Hawaii (at all) so that’s not telling, and the locator listing doesn’t show any in Hawaii even though Peet’s is in Waikiki. I’m hoping Peet’s is still coming to Kailua.
Remember back in the day when joining the Starbucks Gold program got you a black membership card? Then in 2009, the Gold program was revamped as the Starbucks Rewards program and with it came a new gold card. There’s even a newer, sparkly gold card, but if you’re like me, you kinda miss that simple black look. Or maybe gold is just played out with iPhones, Pop Tarts, and more.
If you’re yearning for some simplicity, Starbucks now has a special edition card that’s mostly black. The iconic mermaid is there providing some visual contrast.
I don’t know how long these will be available, but for now, Starbucks black is back.
Walked into my favorite Starbucks this morning and was greeted by this interesting sign accented by the sunlight. Hmmm, a Vanilla Macchiato now joins caramel and hazelnut. I had to try it, and yes, it is good, similar but different from the other two. I ordered my VM (not virtual machine for you techies) non-fat, stirred, hot, and short.
I didn’t take the lid off before taking a sip, so I don’t know what a fresh VM looks like. Flavor-wise, the depth of the vanilla hits you right away. For me, the Caramel Macchiato is sweet then the aftertaste follows with the richness of caramel. The Hazelnut Macchiato is more mild with the hazelnut undertones, and I prefer substituting a few pumps of vanilla for mocha to waken this drink up. But the Vanilla Macchiato is more balanced from beginning to end. Flavorfully deep with a matching level of sweetness. The new drink for spring? Yes, indeed.
Say it with me, “Your Nespresso U is still good. Your Nespresso U is still good.” Don’t mind that Nespresso just launched their new VertuoLine that makes both espresso and coffee. Your recent purchase of the espresso-only Nespresso U is still a good buy at half the price of a new Vertuo.
So what if the Vertuo-made coffee features a crema top? And so what if the new hardware has a single button operation using lasers to detect what kind of drink to make? The Nespresso U is still good. I mean it has a positionable water reservoir, right?
You did capitalize on discounts and bonuses for your U purchase, right? You got those 200 Grand Cru capsules at a discounted price right? Because, the Vertuo uses a whole different capsule format and flavor lineup.
If you wanted coffee, you still have your coffee maker right? And really, the Aeroccino frother is still the same as what you got with your U bundle. So don’t head to Williams-Sonoma in Ala Moana to hear the demo and sample a full cup of crema-capped coffee. The Nespresso U is still good.
Do you really need the latest and greatest of caffeinated creations?
Well if you don’t share the sentiment that the Nespresso U is still good, let me tempt you…
After years, Royal Mills has changed up the design of its iced coffee cans. So if you’re looking for your favorite canned coffee drinks, be on the lookout for these.
I’m probably imagining things, but the Iced Cappuccino tastes sweeter than the old can design. Or maybe just because the coffee in these new cans is “fresher.” Maybe I need to do a taste test.
Just where will the new Starbucks location at Ala Moana be? The Sears location closed along with Sears, and the Macy’s location is usually slammed, so some relief is in order. According to the Ala Moana online map, there’s a Starbucks location on mall level 2 near center court.
But if you’ve happened to be in this area (the former location of Aroma Caffe), you know there’s absolutely nothing going on. But interestingly, on level 3 diagonally, there is work being done.
The same online map states that this is the home of Aloha Gelato. It very well could be, but this structure kinda has a Starbucks vibe to it. And Starbucks has the cash to completely reconstruct a space if needed, and it also has the moxie to go head to head with other coffee vendors (the Honolulu Coffee Company stand is directly across).
This has to be a trick question or a problem to solve. What time does the Starbucks inside of Windward Mall open? The store locator site shows this.
So if I go on a Monday morning at 7:45am while waiting for a car battery change at the Sears Auto Center, it should be no problem right? Don’t fall for the obvious answer. The mall doors don’t open until 8am. Cut through IHOP you resourcefully say? Sorry, IHOP locks their interior doors and tells customers they can’t let people through until 8am. Supposedly, you could enter the mall through a service entrance if you know where they are, but still, should it be this hard to get to an establishment open for business?
Did I mention that the Starbucks location at Windward City is now powered by Google Wifi? My last check in December 2013 confirmed wireless connectivity provided by attwifi. But during a recent visit to finish my hardcore dash of 2014, I saw the Google Wifi network show up.
Additionally, the small Starbucks inside of Windward Mall is also Google connected. Oddly, the third and seemingly busiest Starbucks location in Kaneohe, the one with the first 24-hour drive thru in Hawaii, is still not Google-fied. Here’s a SpeedTest comparison of Google Wifi versus attwifi.
The top two lines are from the Kaneohe drive thru location while the bottom line is from the Windward Mall location. Two out of three ain’t bad I guess.
Thanks to the Seattle Seahawks’ victory in Super Bowl XLVIII, I’ve decided to keep the Nike Air Max 360 Griffey Hybrids I found at Ross. The Seattle win was a sign since Ken “The Kid” Griffey Jr. starred for Seattle’s baseball team, the Mariners, for years. Seattle win, keep Seattle player’s shoes – that’s how you rationalize in the kicks world. 😉
Retailing for $170 at, this tonal grey colorway appeared at Ross in Kaneohe for 50 bucks. Yeah, so it’s heavy and on the bulky size, but this cross trainer has Air Max 360 and Flywire, and did I mention $50?! I’m liking this “dark grey” version compared to some of the other crazy Griff colorways.
Thanks for helping with the decision, Seahawks!
Now that’s a way to kick off 2014! Starbucks first Star Dash of this year is a doozy with the possibility of earning 20 stars! Of course, you need to earn 25 stars on your own to get the 20 star bonus in the span of less than two weeks (January 27 to February 9, 2014). That’s hardcore, 25 stars in 13 days.
This is definitely going to promote the irritating behavior of making individual purchases. You know the type of customer, ordering four drinks for the office but paying for them one by one to get four stars. Good for your star generation but sucks for those in line behind you as four separate transactions are rung up, especially when all you want is a cup of brewed coffee. Now if the store is empty, and there’s no line then knock yourself out. But in the early morning crush, don’t be pulling this obtuse impertinence.
If you earn seven less stars (18 stars), your Dash bonus will be halved to 10. I wonder if this Star Dash is continued indoctrination for those who bought the free coffee or espresso tumblers for January. Now that they’re addicted to the caffeine from multiple visits to Starbucks on a daily basis, this promotion might continue the behavior.
Naturally, I signed up for the dash, but I doubt I’ll make it.