Minamoto Kitchoan Fukubukuro Unveiled
What’s in that $50 Fukubukuro bag from Minamoto Kitchoan?
I don’t shop there very often, but it looks like a haul of goodies was inside. Thanks to Jason for the pics and enduring Fukubukuro.
What’s in that $50 Fukubukuro bag from Minamoto Kitchoan?
I don’t shop there very often, but it looks like a haul of goodies was inside. Thanks to Jason for the pics and enduring Fukubukuro.
Fighting the Fukubukuro crowds at Minamoto Kitchoan at Ala Moana leads to getting one of these bags. Priced at $50 but contains $100 worth of goodies. To be unveiled later today…
…is packed! I guess partying until the new year doesn’t stop avid shoppers looking for a bargain.
An anonymous pulpy texter sent me this image of the Fukubukuro crowds at Ala Moana. Not sure what store they’re waiting for, Lupicia for tea deals?
Here’s a partial pic of the Fukubukuro participating stores.
Here’s the full list.
You may have to wait until Christmas 2016, but there are a lot of unclaimed wishes on discount at Macy’s right now.
Buy a few, write letters to Santa, and wait until December 25, 2016 for Saint Nick to deliver. At worst, your wishes will be in the form of toys, but that could be a lot of toys…but only if you stay on the Nice List.
This can’t be coincidental, can it? On December 24 when the Year of ParkRat calendar was posted, Pulpconnection saw a definite spike in traffic. And this spike has lingered with visits happening on Christmas, a typically slow day.
All I can say is mahalo to ParkRat and his fan base!
Time is up! It’s Christmas Eve, the stores are closing for day, and you’re still looking for that last minute gift. What to do? Wow them. Just wow the gift recipient with the Year of ParkRat. Yes, that’ll definitely wow them. A whole year of ParkRat for that special someone.
We’re not talking twelve months either. There’s a bonus month along with printable mini calendars. At this shopping hour, you can’t get better than this. Wow, just wow – the Year of ParkRat.
What a nightmare for Steve Harvey announcing the wrong winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant.
I think the Family Feud host was confused by the extended ban disqualifying Filipinos from beauty pageants. Although the ban was extended for two years, technically it did expire in November 2015 so Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, was eligible to win the Miss Universe title. Of course, this had to have been the reason Steve initially announced Miss Colombia as the winner only to correct himself learning of the expired ban.
Here’s the tweeted official statement from the Miss Universe event.
— Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach (@MissUniverse) December 21, 2015
I surely can’t afford a Tesla electric vehicle as a holiday gift, but I can afford to gift a Tesla-branded iPhone case. These are made out of remnant leather pieces that are used in actual Telsas and go for $45. But then again, I wonder if these are like those license plate frames that say “My other car is a Tesla.”
Wait, what? Did The Bus just flash me a shaka and a message of mahalo? This morning as I let a bus cut in my lane of traffic, the bright, back LED screen displayed a shaka hand followed by “mahalo.” Ha, had never noticed this before and was too dumbfounded to take a pic.
Well, it seems this shaka feature has been around since 2013. I guess I never warranted a shaka before, or this morning’s bus had a newer more noticeable screen.