Who Did It Better, USAA or Costco?
Who did the dad helping his son fish better, USAA or Costco?
Who did the dad helping his son fish better, USAA or Costco?
After an extremely busy 2014 as the most overexposed model of the year, even Ariane needs to slumber…in an Inspiration advertisement.
Of course, by now, you’ve seen Ariane somewhere. You just didn’t know it. Vital, fresh, Asian-ish. She’s on all kinds of health, fitness, clothing, shopping, traveling, makeup, cooking, relationship, nursing, and more advertisements. Yes, her first name is Ariane, and she really is part Asian, and she has the unofficial title of the most overexposed stock image model.
Check out more from the most famous model in the world you’ve never heard of by following along on Facebook and Tumblr.
Is there a Kickstarter project to fund a book with all her stock image appearances? There should be…
First off, I need to caveat that I LOVE Crazy Shirts. I own more than several in my wardrobe and their shirt designs, construction, and material are all top notch. But…
I find their latest (online) ad umm, let’s say interesting. Here’s a screen shot.
The positions and postures of the models, their facial expressions all seem, well, grindable. I’m sure that wasn’t the intent but rather to showcase beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes in beautiful scenery. ‘Nuff said.
Along with the tinkering, you, dear readers, might have noticed a few other changes. Pulpconnection is now running ads from Lijit and Starbucks.
Lijit has always had its advertisement network, but I never tapped into it until recently. They match your content with advertisers and display appropriate ads on your site. My Lijit ad is buried in the footer, but it does add some needed color pop to the gray footer area. Already, I’ve noticed ads for Nike, Tivo, and Starbucks so they’ve match my content accurately.
Along with Lijit, I also qualified to show ads from Starbucks’ online store (a member of LinkShare). If you need to buy any Starbucks coffee, equipment, cups, or gift cards, consider shopping here. 🙂
“Sex sells” is the popular adage in advertising, I get that. So what do you make of this van’s advertising for Isle Discount? I understand the artwork is a caricature, but what is she wearing or not wearing?  Okay or over the top?
But fret not for there is an iPhone and Android app for that!
And while you ponder the correctness of this signage, can you identify the neighborhood the van was spotted in?
As usual, the Superbowl is a time for make-it-or-break-it commercials. But before airing, all the commercials must be screened and approved. Usually, it’s the good ones that don’t make the cut for the big game.
GoDaddy.com is no stranger to controversy for its Superbowl ads. This year, their commercial once again won’t air, but if you watch it, it’s not as racy as previous spots.
But then again, I guess it does communicate a sensitive subject for the NFL.
Some recent promotions I’ve seen or heard about.