Update: I stand corrected. Wayne’s World said the Ka`u reserve is still available online, and he is correct. I must have been using an old link or product code. Anyways, I updated the link in the post.
Using the Starbucks store locator confirms that store 1009038 is the only Clover system in Hawaii. What’s so good about the Clover? I’m going to really, really dumb it down, but it makes fancy coffee even fancier. Taste a Clover prepared coffee, and you’ll taste a difference.
Just let it be known that only stores that meet certain specifications have Clovers installed. Now, I’m really surprised that this new (untested) location in Aina Haina has a Clover instead of seeing one at a high traffic location like Ward, but Starbucks must have done their research. Or maybe just the potential of (wealthy) Hawaii Kai commuters needing an exquisite pick-me-up for the drive to town would justify the Clover placement. Who knows, but I do know Aina Haina is a far drive from the Windward side. 🙁
Now Starbucksmelody.com can finally show an entry for Hawaii for Clover locations.