Tinkering, Always Tinkering
You know I’m always tinkering around, adding and removing things from my blog. Here are the latest changes.
JetPack to JetPack Lite to JetPack
The earlier version of JetPack was bloated and so so, so I changed to the leaner but unofficial JetPack Lite. Then in the past day, a new, more feature rich version of JetPack was released. I switched back to test the new features.
Subscribe by Email
Speaking of new features in JetPack, there’s a subscribe by email function. In the past, I’ve let FeedBurner handle that, but let’s see how JetPack fares. In the right sidebar, kinda down you’ll see the Subscribe via Email section. Provide your email address to get started. If this works, I can remove a FeedBurner plugin to specifically handle email subscriptions.
Improved Search
I never realized the built-in WordPress search function was so basic. It worked good enough or so I thought. Then I read about Relevanssi (I guess that’s supposed to sound like “relevancy”). It boosts the WP search functionality with features you assumed were already there.
The Relevanssi search index is still building so you won’t see any of the features just yet.