Tyrion Lannister=GOAT Hand of the King
Season 2 of the Game of Thrones just proves how Tyrion Lannister as the Hand of the King is GOAT. Here are some of his most memorable lines from this season. Be forewarned (though as a Game of Thrones fan you already know) that there’s some profanity to be heard.

It’s Winter Online!
In the realm of the Internet, it’s already winter.
Season 2 of the Game of Thrones is already available on HBO Go! The North Remembers…
Game of Thrones Is THAT Good!
After catching up with Season 1 on DVD and with Season 2 about to begin on April 1, we have subscribed to HBO. Yes, the Game of Thrones is that good. Damn you the Starks of Winterfell, the Dragon family of the Targaryens, and especially Tyrion Lannister for making me dish out for premium cable channels!
On hold goes Netflix for the opportunity to watch the coming wars of Season 2.