Lord Wolcott of “Downtown” Abbey
Say what? Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy as Lord Wolcott, the first popolo cast on Downton Abbey? No, not really but check out his parody.
Say what? Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy as Lord Wolcott, the first popolo cast on Downton Abbey? No, not really but check out his parody.
This BIC Cristal for Her Ball pen set is definitely not a gift for mom on Mother’s Day (or any day for that matter). But then again, if mom likes a good laugh, she’ll definitely get one after reading all the Amazon comments about these “for her” pens.
Not really, but when Steve Jobs called a nearby Starbucks in 2007 and ordered 4000 lattes during the launch of the iPhone, he inadvertently established a prank that will not go away. If you really wanted to (and could afford it), you’d have to wait 48 hours before your order could be completed.
I don’t know much about Jennifer Lawrence other than she’s Katniss in the Hunger Games. Never knew she was so funny with a quick, honest wit. Check out her question and answer session during the Oscars. Or maybe it’s that shot of booze she downed before fielding questions.
After watching GoDaddy’s #thekiss commercial during Super Bowl XLVII, nerdiness has taken a different light. Jesse Heiman, who played the nerd to Bar Refaeli’s beauty, is getting more attention from the ladies and even more action from Jay Leno.
Much thanks to @abaggy.
So what do you do when Kinky rolls up next to you? I brought out my iPhone and made a panorama picture of the kinkiness in its full glory.
If you’ve driven on the Pali Highway in the new year, you’ve passed by a very rare “tree.” This rari-tree (get it, rarity and tree?) is at the entry way to the Nuuanu Reservoir. Watch this video and see if you can spot the “tree.”
Rare Tree from Gee Why on Vimeo.
Regardless of its camouflage, mobile customers must appreciate this abomination of nature.
The full Starbucks experience extends beyond just the coffee. Sure, Starbucks triggers all your senses with coffee, but the ordering and delivery of your coffee is also part of the experience. Saturday Night Live spoofs this aspect by poking fun at an “enhanced” version of the home brewing Verismo. Apparently, you don’t need to be a wise guy with your name.
Are you looking for Christmas ornaments designed with the Japanese Spitz dog breed in mind? Well, this isn’t the post for you! I’m just checking out how fast Google can index a post on an obscure topic. Or is Christmas ornaments featuring a specific dog breed? For all I know Japanese Spitz ornaments might be all the rage! They do make cute puppies though.
D, this is for you. 😉
UH men’s basketball freshman forward, Isaac Fotu, has a great fro going on.
Couple his “Fear the Fro” moniker with his rebounding prowess, and you got an instant fan favorite. But what’s #42’s secret? Could it be this?
I know nothing about chia seeds, but this dietary supplement is getting some attention.
And be sure to follow #42 (as in four two as in Fotu) on Twitter at @ifotu42.
The (minor) problems with the iPhone 5 have hit the mainstream as spoofed by this SNL skit.
On the recent trip to SoCal, I had two small mishaps with Apple Maps but success otherwise. Once, Maps instructed me to get off the freeway then subsequently get back on the freeway. Minor but an inconvenience. Second, though I can’t really blame Maps, the app took me in the wrong direction due to local road construction. Other than that, Maps lead me around major SoCal attractions without incident.