Minamoto Kitchoan Fukubukuro Unveiled
What’s in that $50 Fukubukuro bag from Minamoto Kitchoan?
I don’t shop there very often, but it looks like a haul of goodies was inside. Thanks to Jason for the pics and enduring Fukubukuro.
What’s in that $50 Fukubukuro bag from Minamoto Kitchoan?
I don’t shop there very often, but it looks like a haul of goodies was inside. Thanks to Jason for the pics and enduring Fukubukuro.
Fighting the Fukubukuro crowds at Minamoto Kitchoan at Ala Moana leads to getting one of these bags. Priced at $50 but contains $100 worth of goodies. To be unveiled later today…
…is packed! I guess partying until the new year doesn’t stop avid shoppers looking for a bargain.
An anonymous pulpy texter sent me this image of the Fukubukuro crowds at Ala Moana. Not sure what store they’re waiting for, Lupicia for tea deals?
Here’s a partial pic of the Fukubukuro participating stores.
Here’s the full list.
Although it’s Saturday, Cyber Monday deals are already out, replacing Black Friday specials that started on a Wednesday. While I saw a few items of interest during Black Wednesday-Friday, I already found more items for Cyber Monday…on a Saturday.
While the new Ala Moana wing with Bloomingdales is set to open in November, the rest of the mall is getting a facelift as well. Check out some of the changes I witnessed over the weekend.
The new lighting on the pillars, under the covered walkway, and the torch-shaped lampposts in the “islands.”
Here’s a closer look at the tiled pillar with cool lighting.
The koi and other water ponds have seating that matches the wooden motif of the “new” Ala Moana. The koi aren’t back yet.
Hold up. What’s going on in this picture?
Give up? The faithful wooden stairs are gone.
The new year has spurred on new small local businesses in Kailua with the opening of The Local and soon, Mahaloha Burger. Located down the street from the new Target, these businesses are poised to benefit from increased foot traffic in the area.
The Local is a hybrid store selling clothing items in one half and shave ice in the other. The shave ice is flavored with natural syrups such as Mountain Apple, Kona Coffee, Chili Peppa, and 4 Kine Lime.
I haven’t yet sampled their goods, but I want to pick up one of their shirts.
From The Local, head towards Target, and you’ll come across Mahaloha burger. Like The Local, natural is the motif of Mahaloha’s burgers. It’s a two-story location and construction looks well incomplete. Their signs advertise a loco moco burger which I’m surprised I haven’t seen done before.
So next time when you’re in the 96734, you have a few more places to check out.
That’s a simple lesson in life, but it’s so true. If you don’t enter, you can’t win. In the case of this raffle at Foot Locker Ala Moana aka the House of Hoops, you need to enter in order to get a chance at purchasing the upcoming Air Jordan 11 Legend Blue. Yes, these Carolina-colorway kicks are in high demand so the raffle figures out who can give Nike and Foot Locker $150-200 for these vintage kicks.
Since I happened to be there, you know I had to enter just because.
If you entered the raffle but weren’t chosen, there’s some nice Adidas Fluxes you can buy for consolation.
I wonder if these tall Asian ballers entered the raffle?
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are well established in our shopping lexicon but what about shopping for the deals before then? What are those days called? Brown Wednesday? Grey Tuesday? Anyways CVS née Longs Drugs has started their specials, and I had to partake since I was tipped off.
These Tiger Sahara Cool stainless steel insulated water bottles are going for 50% off as a buy one, get one free deal. Either the 0.8L or 1.0L capacity in green or pink ($32.99 for 0.8L and $34.99 for 1.0L). Can’t go wrong for roughly $17 each. Grab bag gift perhaps?
Ugh, I can’t say this is a positive change for Ala Moana, but I guess it is necessary. With all the construction and expansion of the shopping center and nearby buildings, safety for the shoppers is paramount, and all of this helps protect you and me.
But where is this in Ala Moana? Can you guess?
Have you noticed? As announced, the end of June brought the end of Juicy Couture stores including the one at Ala Moana. Don’t hang your head in sorrow, just think of how Juicy Couture can reinvent itself and come back as “Juicier Couture.”
Summertime means cleaning, cooling, and tunes as seen in my recent Amazon shopping list.
Febreze Eureka Style Rr Replacement Vacuum Bag, 3-Pack
Lasko #2554 42-Inch Wind Curve Fan with Remote
Sennhesier MX685 Adidas Sports In-Ear Headphones – Black
Don’t forget that you can now use Twitter to shop on Amazon.