The Price of Seasonal Weather
55 degree weather, 60% chance of rain. 30 minutes of driving, $12 for parking. $22 for an umbrella, $8 for a Shamu rain poncho. Two hours of rain followed by hours of sunshine looking at penguins, sharks, mantas, flamingos, Elmo, fish, polar bears, belluga whales, sea lions, a walrus, and a night show with killer whales.
The price of seasonal weather.
And like that the rain at Seaw…
And like that the rain at Seaworld is gone and so is the cash for the umbrella and ponchos 🙁
55 degrees and raining in San …
55 degrees and raining in San Diego. Tony Toni Tone says it doesn’t rain in socal
Socal Severe Weather Warnings
Uh oh, according to The Weather Channel iApp, there are two severe weather warnings for Socal on Sunday. High winds, cold weather, and possibility of snow (at high altitude)!